Take Control Of Your Life By Going Dark For A Bit.

As the world sits, 99% of people are distracted by constant notifications, scrolling through endless feeds, there’s something powerful about going dark for a bit. It’s not just about taking a break from social media—it's about creating space to think, recharge, and come back stronger. 

Some of the highest-performing people out there know the secret—stepping away from everything and isolating yourself for periods of time gives you the clarity you need to level up. When LeBron James heads into the playoffs, he shuts off social media to focus fully on his game. Bill Gates takes "Think Weeks," isolating himself to read and plan for the future. Even Ryan Holiday regularly disappears to reflect and create. 

When you take intentional time to disconnect, you start seeing things differently. You gain clarity on what’s important, let your brain recharge, and you come back with more focus and energy. 

So block out time in your week to disconnect from the distractions—social media, email, unnecessary conversations. Whether it’s a weekend or a few hours a day, or 6 months, it’s time to learn the nitty gritty of the real you and hunker down on what’s truly important- your priorities that’s been being put off due to other choices that aren’t really benefiting you. Use this time to think about what you actually want to accomplish, how you’re spending your energy, and what you need to adjust. When was the last time you had uninterrupted space to just think? 

Going dark doesn’t mean working yourself into the ground. It means giving your mind a break, allowing it to reset. The mental clarity you gain from this downtime is huge for creativity and focus. You’d be surprised at how transformative it can be when you let yourself disconnect from the noise and reconnect in alignment with your goals- your purpose. 

Challenge: Schedule a period of time to go dark. Whether it’s a couple of hours, a day, or a weekend, commit to it. Block out ALL distractions, reflect, and reset. You may even be like me and find you enjoy being off the grid for periods of time. 

See you Friday! 👋

The Mental Shift